Friday, July 13, 2012

Infatuation is Disabled

Infatuation is blind. Some say this is so because it cannot see faults in its beloved, but this is a symptom of the larger issue. Infatuation has an advanced case of chronic glaucoma. Because of Infatuation's severe tunnel vision, it can only truly focus on one person at a time.

Infatuation is deaf. It cannot hear the pleas of those it negatively affects, or the sound reason of those more experienced than it.

Infatuation is physically weak. Its muscular distrophy has robbed it of its ability to stand while in the presence of the one it seeks.

Infatuation is obsessive. Its obsessive compulsive disorder causes it to fall into the same patterns repeatedly. It also obsesses over a single person. Its condition is obvsiously exacerbated by its tunnel vision, as it can only focus on its obsession.

In conclusion, Infatuation deserves a handicapped parking space.

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