It's really odd looking at them now. They are mostly from strangers who took the time to wish me well, though a few came from my third grade class (those are real treasures!). Mostly they come with the stock message and small blurb of encouragement followed by a signature, but some are personalized. These ones are truly the ones that I will cherish most (though I will be keeping all of them). It's funny to think that, when I was too young to understand their message, I would just open the cards to see if there was money inside. But now, I am reading these people's attempts at encouragement to a dying child, and it is really something awesome, in the original sense of the word. Like this postcard from Judy Hartman of Antioch, California written to me in June of 2001 (I was eight, and still fighting):
You are so special, The Lord is trusting you with so much responsibility at your age. While we are on Earth, preparing to be with the Lord, it takes some of us a lot of years to be ready and some are ready sooner. The Important thing is how we touch others for the Lord - I'm sure he has and will use you to bless others while you are here - you are a blessing! You are so loved!I want to find the person who wrote each and every card. I want to thank them so much. I want to let them know that I'm doing well (perspectively). I want to find Judy. I want to know if she still lives in Antioch; if the return address on the postcard would still work. I want to tell her that I believe her words; that I am trying to use my life to bless others, just like she said.
Thank you Judy. Thank you so much for your postcard.